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The Curriculum at JKHS


JKHS Physical Education department aims to give all students a lifelong enjoyment of physical activity, develop skills in a range of sports and encourage a competitive spirit with the emphasis on our mission statement: respect and fair play.


​​Teaching staff

  • Mr Mike Donoghue: Head of Department
  • Mrs Shona Butler: Second in Department *
  • Mr Alex Brookes
  • Mr Joe Deuchar
  • Mr Chris Elias
  • Mrs Claire Godwin
  • Mrs Sarah Mountford 

*Mrs Butler is also School Sport Co-ordinator


Safeguarding  This is the number 1 priority for the PE department during all aspects of the curriculum. A safeguarding document is updated regularly and communicated with all PE staff and non-specialists within the department.

Aims  Linked to the national curriculum. The department focus is to ensure all pupils:

  • Enjoy physical activity
  • Are aware of the importance of a balanced, healthy, active lifestyle
  • Develop skills and tactical awareness in a broad range of competitive activities
  • Are able to work confidently as an individual and in a team
  • Show respect and tolerance to others and are aware of the importance of high standards in behaviour.
Key Stage 3 p.e

Subject Content

  • Skills, tactics and strategies are developed in a wide range of team games which include: football, hockey, rugby, netball, handball, cricket, rounders, tennis and basketball
  • Individual skills are learnt and developed in athletics and gymnastics
  • Through analysis of their performance students are continuously challenged to improve
  • Health Related Fitness is taught integrally within the curriculum as well as a separate unit of work to educate students on the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle


  • Students are assessed in their progress continuously by staff and in a summative context at the end of each unit of work. Staff are fully aware of the skills ladders in the department and use professional judgement to indicate whether a student is developing, achieving or exceeding the expected progress criteria.
  • Students regularly peer and self-assess in lessons to monitor and reflect on their progress

All students have 4 hours per fortnight of PE.

​​​​Key Stage 4 P.E

All students continue to have 4 hours per fortnight of PE with those taking GCSE PE having an extra 5 hours. The aims of the key stage 4 curriculum is to develop and extend skills, and build knowledge of healthy, active lifestyles. Individual and group responsibility is given more to students during the key stage, such as individual team tactics and strategies.

Subject Content

Students are given option pathways at the start of each term and can choose during the key stage to progress on one or more than one pathway. Pathways include:

  • Competitive outdoor game activities (football, netball, hockey, rugby, cricket and tennis)
    Competitive indoor game activities (badminton, handball, volleyball and basketball)
  • Health-related Fitness
  • Athletics (performance related work leading to specialising in strongest disciplines)​


Subject Content 

The department continue to develop a flexible scheme of work and link to exam-board specification. Theoretical and practical lessons are intertwined and understanding developed through different Teaching and Learning strategies.


Integral throughout every lesson as well as formal assessments throughout the key stage at the end of various units of work. These are planned to coincide with the schools’ internal assessments. Student progress is linked to set target grades. Practical assessments are done continuously and at the end of each unit of work linked to skills/competitive game.

Further information available via AQA | Physical Education | GCSE | Physical Education