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Statutory Information


The school was last inspected on 22nd and 23rd March 2022.

The school's overall rating was 'Requires Improvement' with the following sub-gradings:

  • The quality of education: Requires improvement
  • Behaviour and attitudes: Good
  • Personal development: Good
  • Leadership and management: Requires improvement
  • Sixth-form provision: Good

While the school is disappointed with the overall judgement, the inspection team identified that the school is taking effective steps to remove inconsistency and identified many strengths across the school. These include:

  • 'Pupils at John Kyrle High School and Sixth Form Centre Academy are confident, polite and welcoming'
  • 'The school is calm and orderly. Pupils focus and behave well in the majority of lessons. Disruption is rare and little learning is lost'.
  • 'In the sixth form, very positive relationships between staff and students support learning well'.
  • 'Staff take pupils' welfare very seriously. They are alert to any signs that a pupil may need support and they report concerns quickly. Leaders work closely with outside agencies to ensure that pupils received the support they need to keep them safe'.


A full copy of the Ofsted report is listed below along with other statutory documents.


Other useful links:


pupil premium and Covid catch up premium

Following the disruptions of covid, we have continued to focus on ensuring disadvantaged students have access and support across a full, broad curriculum. High quality pastoral care and regular attendance are more important than ever. Our curriculum recovery plans in each department put disadvantaged and SEND students at their heart. 

We continue to support and help all our students, especially our most disadvantaged, to manage pressures in these post-covid times.



The statement of accounts for the Heart of Mercia Multi-Academy Trust can be found here.